Lately I have been thinking about how much I love doing Dallas Does Indie, and how great the fans of this show really are. I get so many emails from people who encourage me, and I don't often have enough time to say thank you to every one of them. I wish I did.
One of the things I read over and over again is how listeners get behind on episodes, which is obviously not that big of a deal because DDI will always be there when you're ready to listen and you can always go back and hear the old episodes using our RSS feed....BUT for many of you it's been a little frustrating because you hear about the ticket giveaways we're doing or that you're favorite indie band came out with a new CD last month, and I just thought maybe I need to give those of you who are behind a little time to catch up.
However, I couldn't leave those of you who hang on every episode, well, hanging. So I decided to do a "Throwback Episode". Episode 102 is a homage to some of my favorite bands to come out of the 90's and hopefully will showcase how all of these bands had a hand in influencing some of our current favs.
Listen to episode #102 and enjoy. And if you like this idea let me know and I'll do more.